Why parrots can talk

Despite the fact that parrots are not the smartest animals and even among birds they do not occupy the most prominent place, they are the only representatives of the fauna that are able to pronounce words and even whole sentences. Moreover, as has been repeatedly recorded, the speech of some parrots is not just an imitation of human phrases, but a completely conscious set of words. But how do they make sounds, and through what organs can they talk?

It is no secret that even the most outstanding primates, trained by special methods for more than one year, as a result of hard work, were able to master only a special adapted sign language. Despite all the physiological proximity with people, not one of the primates managed to advance beyond a couple of words.

Experts believe that several factors influenced the ability of parrots to speak at once. Initially, it was believed that this was due to the specific thick language of parrots. But later it became clear that not only parrots possess such a language. Most likely, the parrots acquired a unique ability due to the special structure of the larynx and tracheal muscles, as well as the high level of development of the frontal part of the brain, which is responsible for the work of muscles during speech.

As practice shows, not all types of parrots are able to reproduce human speech. Among these birds, several species are distinguished, including Jaco and cockatoo, which, along with physiological characteristics, also have a high level of intelligence. It is this circumstance, according to scientists, that led to a number of parrots endowed with an amazing ability for human speech.

Watch the video: Why parrots can talk like humans (May 2024).

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