How to bargain in tourist countries

The success of shopping in the East depends on how much you can bargain. And this is a kind of whole art that has evolved over centuries ... Fortunately, now, in order to reduce the price of a product you like, it is not at all necessary to learn a foreign language, you just need to remember a few simple rules for talking with the seller.


In Egypt, you can bargain even in large stores. Do not be afraid to leave the shop: often the seller catches up with the buyer, even if he has already gone quite far. Do not go to shops offered by guides or helpers - there you risk paying too much, because the percentage of the goods contains a percentage of the "assistant". And be sure to specify which pound the seller has in mind: Egyptian or ... English.

Shopping Rules

Do you think only hunks are trading? In Asia or Africa you will not be considered greedy, on the contrary, those who are not trying to lower the price will be considered fools here. Think of bargaining not as a tedious action, but as an exciting game, theatrical performance, business training for negotiations or a kind of competition between the seller and the buyer.


Supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants - the territory of fixed prices. But in small shops, sellers are usually ready to give in. Do not be surprised if in the process you are treated to tea and sweets. But, alas, at resorts sometimes they manage to reduce the price by a maximum of 30 percent. Local traders are good appraisers, they easily calculate the cost of your wardrobe. Therefore, going shopping, fashionable clothes, expensive watches and shoes are best left in the room.

Shopping Rules

Usually, you can bargain in Asia not only in the markets, but also in many stores, and no matter what you are going to buy: clothes, gold or a TV. Even if the price is written on the price tags, it is often just a guideline for starting a conversation. But avoid popular tourist destinations, sellers do not spend time bargaining there. They know that visiting rich people will still buy their goods. Better go away from the sights, to places where bored shopkeepers agree to bargain almost to zero, just to at least have some fun.


Shopping Rules

Do not hurry! Asian shopping is not done on the run. If you really liked a thing, be prepared that you will have to spend at least half an hour in the shop, be patient. Try to enjoy the process: be friendly, friendly and firmly stand your ground.


The price of cheap souvenirs you can easily beat, but you didn’t come for that! Before bargaining in China, practice on more "soft" sellers in other countries. Going to the Celestial Empire, stock up on valerian: you will need iron nerves and titanium endurance. But it's worth it: for the same jacket or technical novelty in Moscow, you will pay 10, or 15 times more.

Shopping Rules

If you plan to buy a large expensive thing, so as not to get into a mess, make inquiries in advance: talk to forums on the Internet, talk with local people (even with hotel employees) and find out how much it can cost.


Nowadays, the Emirates have largely lost the former flavor of the huge Arab bazaar. You can not bargain everywhere: fixed prices are entered in taxis, in shopping centers, and in restaurants. At the markets - clothing and gold - though they will depict a semblance of bargaining, but not for long: after a couple of exclamations you will receive a 20-30% discount and most likely, the price will remain unchanged.

Shopping Rules

Do not bargain for a long time and persistently, if in the end you are not going to buy the goods. It’s indecent to waste someone else’s time, and why waste your time in vain.


You should not count on large discounts: you can assume that the auction was a success if the seller reduced the initial price by 30-40%. In this country, you can bargain everywhere, from tuk-tuk to massage parlors, with the exception of perhaps large shopping centers with boutiques of popular fashion companies. Shops at large jewelry and textile factories can also disappoint with fixed prices.

Shopping Rules

Do not be shy if you do not know either the local dialect or the English language. Many reactions are understandable without words, and bargaining is often done using a calculator. Did the seller write the first price? Feel free to reduce it 5-7 times! Seeing too big a number, do not run away - your opponent has not lost his mind, he is only observing etiquette. Your next steps depend on how much the merchant reduces the cost. Follow approximately the same steps. On average, you should cut the price by about half.


You can bargain, but you will not be able to significantly reduce the price. The exception is taxi, their drivers often call absolutely prohibitive prices. However, even in resort towns there are still remote areas where good goods can be bought literally for a penny. Significantly reduce the price will not succeed in Petra, as the local Bedouins, although they look poor ragged, but spoiled by crowds of tourists.

Shopping Rules

Do not show the seller that you like some thing and you came to buy it. Better go to the shop with a bored expression on your face, look at the shelves and seem to accidentally notice the necessary item. Imagine that you do not need him at all, but so be it, you will buy it for fun.


In Bulgaria, you can bargain in the markets and save about 30% of the cost of goods. The fare should be agreed in a taxi. In popular resorts, this figure can be unpleasant, but if you take a walk to the highway, you can get to the place 5 times cheaper.

Shopping Rules

Considering a thing, look for flaws, even imaginary ones, and point them to the seller, eloquently shaking his head and clicking his tongue. Even saying something is not necessary: ​​the merchant will immediately name the new price. You can scold the goods, but you should never insult the seller himself.


The Greeks are benevolent, they do not like to work, but they are always ready to chat with a buyer who has looked at the light, especially if he turns out to be a pretty girl. Therefore, the key to success in this country is not arrogance, as in Asia, but an intimate conversation with the seller. Tell him that you are from Russia, remember the common religion, say a compliment to Greece, its cuisine and him personally, and the price will melt before our eyes.

Shopping Rules

If you decide that the seller will no longer reduce the price, arrange a check for him - shake your head disappointedly, express regret that you can’t get the thing for that price, and start moving to the exit. If you already found yourself on the street and closed the door behind you, and the merchant did not flinch, then most likely you will not be able to lower the price.

Watch the video: How to Bargain in Latin America. Cusco Travel Shopping Challenge (May 2024).

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