20 inventions that the Soviet Union stole from the West and gave as their

It is no secret that the Soviet Union did not disdain lies in order to ascend in the eyes of its citizens and create the desired image of an omnipotent state that is "ahead of the rest." One of the areas in which merciless propaganda based on fiction was conducted was the sphere of new technologies. Residents of the USSR naively believed that the most advanced developments in electronics, mechanics, etc. belong to their fellow citizens, and the West is only making miserable attempts to steal and copy these ingenious inventions.

Portable Hair Dryer - Braun HDL 231, 1964 and Lily, 1972

Gun - EM-GE model 5, 1939 and ICP, 1972

Iron - Philips HD1120, 1974 and UT-1000, 1989

Vinyl record player - Beogram 4002, 1975 and "Electronics B1-04", 1987.

Vacuum cleaner - Lewyt model 40, 1947 sh. and Moscow, 1954

Calculator - Sharp Compet CS-30A, 1967 and Electronics DD, 1968

Pocket Micro Calculator - Sharp EL-805, 1973 and Electronics B3-04, 1974

Programmable calculator - Casio FX-700P, 1983 and Electronics MK-85, 1986.

Cassette recorder - SONY TCS-310, 1981 and Electronics M332C, 1987

Razor - Gillette Fatboy Razor, 1958 and Ideal, 1970

Electric Shaver - Braun Sixtant SM 31, 1962 and Mikma 101, 1980

Tape recorder - Grundig TK820, 1955 and "Melody MG-56", 1956

Rangefinder small format camera - Leica II, 1932 and FED, 1934

Medium format SLR camera - Hasselblad 1600F, 1948 and Salute, 1957

Medium format folding camera - Zeiss Ikonta 521/2, 1932 and Moscow-1, 1946

Primus - Phoebus 625, 1970 and Bumblebee-1, 1981

Lunokhod - Milton Bradley, BIG TRAK, 1979 and IM-11 Electronics, 1985

Electronic game - Nintendo EG-26 Egg, 1981 and Electronics 24-01, 1984

Army binoculars - Carl Zeiss Jena Deltrintem 8x30. 1920 and B8x30, 1947

And even a tractor - Caterpillar Sixty, 1925 and Stalinets-60, 1933

Watch the video: 20 groundbreaking Russian inventions and discoveries (May 2024).

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