Scientists have found a prototype of the spider Aragog from "Harry Potter"

The recently discovered new species from the family of wolf spiders looks very similar to the character of the Harry Potter universe - the giant spider Aragog. True, its "real version" is much smaller - only about 2.5 cm (not counting the legs). He was named after a literary fellow - Lycosa aragogi.

Burrows instead of cobwebs

A new species of spider was first discovered in spring 2016 in a mountain hole in the southeastern Iranian province of Kerman. The spider female (no males of a new species has yet been found) has two black and three white stripes of bristles on the upper body, as well as black and white bristles on the abdomen. The appendages of his mouth are covered with black bristles, which gives the spider a charismatic appearance and even greater external resemblance to Aragog.

According to entomologists, the fact that the discovered female spider lives in a hole is not unusual. Spider wolves rarely build cobwebs, preferring to sit in small minks during the day and go hunting at night. Good vision helps to wait for the victim at night: four out of eight spider eyes have a special layer of tissue behind the retina called the rainbow tapetum. For example, cat's eyes have the same fabric: that's why they glow in the dark.

From bright light, eyes can glow with spiders. Entomologists often use this feature to catch them: they light a torch or a flashlight in a dark cave and look for reflection in spider eyes.

Family first

Female wolf spiders take great care of their offspring. For example, they carry egg sacs on themselves, periodically exposing the spiders growing in them to sunlight and heat, so that they develop better. And when spiders are born, mom carries them on her back and feeds them for the first few weeks.

By the way, in this Lycosa aragogi, like its other members from the family of wolf spiders, it also resembles Aragog. As you recall, in the book, the giant spider decided not to interfere with its many offspring to have dinner with Harry Potter and his friend Ron Weasley, taking care of the further development of his species according to all laws of biology. True, Aragog also knew how to be grateful: for example, he never allowed him to touch the good-natured giant Hagrid, who had long ago saved himself and his colony from death.

Watch the video: Skull Spider Invasion. A Lego Film (May 2024).

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