15 most terrible decisions you can make while on vacation

If you belong to the percentage of the population who honestly works hard, then you certainly know how expensive each day of vacation is. But even this priceless time can easily be turned into a nightmare by taking one of these 15 terrible, meaningless decisions. When you do something from our list, you should not expect that it will end well.

Choose an all-inclusive resort

Of course, “food and drinks in unlimited quantities” sounds pretty damn attractive, but in fact, bottomless barrels of cheap liquor and tons of frozen pizza are not the best you can afford on vacation.

Trying to catch too much

Despite the fact that vacation takes place once a year, and 24 hours a day is very small, on the third day of continuous tourist programs and excursions all you want is to lie still by the pool.

Become a slave to a thoughtful route

Even if you planned the perfect trip, sticking to the original route, no matter what, means missing out on some fantastic random opportunities. In order to have a chance to get an unforgettable experience, flexibility is very important.

Do not take out insurance

It is better to take out insurance and hope that you do not need it. After all, having laid out a considerable amount for the rest, it is not so difficult to finish a couple of hundred dollars for peace of mind.

Carry passport with you

You will be surprised to find out how many people still leave the hotel, taking with them the only thing that will allow them to return to their homeland without any problems! If you simply cannot move on vacation without a passport, the best option is to make a copy and leave the original in the hotel safe.

Do not bring basic travel accessories

The total cost of these things is not so great, but each of them can seriously help you out in some kind of trouble, or even prevent it.

Stuff everything you have in your suitcase

Of course, there is a possibility that your beloved galoshes may come in handy for you in Bermuda, but still going on vacation, like on the day of judgment, is a big mistake.

Do not check in advance if a visa is needed

Remember that in most places you can go, you will need a little more than a plane ticket and hotel reservations.

Ignore customs regulations

If you paid attention to the warnings posted throughout the airport, you would know that this piece of driftwood, which was found on the beach and carefully packed in a suitcase, will not allow you to step outside the state where you had such a fun vacation.

Neglect sunscreen

Regular application of sunscreen every few hours, of course, distracts from a fun and relaxing pastime on the beach, but these are trifles compared to the agony of painful awakening from touching scorching burns all over the body!

Hide your phone on the beach

Remember: you will never be able to outwit anyone by putting your phone under a towel before jumping into the alluring waves. It is this place that thieves examine first.

Braid your hair

This is a great beach hairstyle for your Instagram photo. But weaving such a hairstyle is a very, very painful process, which in the end can lead to severe sunburns of the scalp.

Book flights between which a small time interval

Do not do this, even if you ran the best cross-country at school and you know the airport like the back of your hand.

Carry only large bills or walk without cash at all

Do you still think that you are required to accept your platinum card at the flea market in Medina?

Demonstrate your financial solvency

You don’t go waving money or your iPhone in a crowded market, right?

Watch the video: 10 Dream Vacations That Ended In Disaster (May 2024).

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