Caroline dogs - feral helpers of the American Indians

In the southeastern United States lives a mysterious animal - a wild Carolina dog. Outwardly, she is very reminiscent of the well-known wild dingo dog, but her character is more friendly and she is more willing to make contact with a person. Scientists have already managed to find out a lot about this dog breed, but little is known about the origin of the Caroline dog.

This wild dog was first described by Professor Briceby, who discovered wild dogs on a river bank in South Carolina in the 70s of the last century. The scientist was interested in a wild dog, which looked very much like a dingo dog that lives in Australia. The scientist decided to take one of the puppies to himself, and also engaged in the search and study of other representatives of this canine population.

Caroline dogs are strong, muscular, hardy and fairly large animals. Their weight reaches 20 kilograms with an average height of 50-60 centimeters. The color of their coat varies from light brown to red with white spots that are located on the muzzle, stomach and tail. As with regular domestic dogs, the tail position of a Caroline dog reflects her mood.

As for the past of the Caroline dog, there are two versions of its origin. These are real wild animals or second-run wild dogs, the same as their relatives - Australian dingo dogs. But the fact that puppies are easily tamed and quickly adapt to life with a person? indicates that these are most likely second-run wild animals, which, by the will of fate, ended up in the wild.

Scientists believe that the ancestors of these dogs were domestic and came to North America with a man. The American Indians used them as guard and hunting animals. But, as studies have shown, the structure of the skeleton of Caroline dogs is not much different from the skeleton of the first domesticated dogs that lived during the Neolithic. It turns out that these dogs were domesticated, but the inhabitants of North America were not engaged in breeding work, that is, targeted breeding of dogs with the qualities that are necessary for a person. Caroline dogs simply lived next to people, helped them in the hunt, but practically did not change for several thousand years.

If we talk about taming, then the Caroline wild dog is a very promising species in this direction, which cannot be said about the dingo dog. Puppies living with a person from an early age are perfectly adaptable, affectionate and friendly. According to their owners, domesticated Caroline dogs get along well with children and even calmly tolerate the presence of cats in the house. But in one they still remained true to their wild past. Scientists warn that it is not necessary to look these dogs in the eye for a long time, this can be regarded as a challenge and provoke an attack. In addition, experts note that this dog requires much more attention from the owner than many other dog breeds. They need daily education at a young age, and only experienced dog breeders can cope with their character. In addition, this animal requires space, and it is better to keep Caroline dogs on the street in a private house.

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