Through decades: our contemporaries reproduce pictures of their grandparents

Today, your grandparents may seem to you weak and weak, but once they were young, faced with the same life problems that you, just had fun and fun. To pay tribute to the main journey of a man called "life", people from all over the world recreate old photographs of their grandparents. And these pictures evoke incredible feelings of nostalgia, reverence and gratitude for all that was, is and will be.

Here are the best of the best photographs, in which a lot of effort and soul was invested - from visiting the same sights to transforming into exactly the same images.

Generations of firefighters. From left to right: grandfather in 1966, father in 1988, son in 2015.

The girl with her boyfriend recreated a photo of her grandmother.

Grandmother and granddaughter.

Standing next to grandfather on one of the French streets, 1944 and 2013.

Great-great-grandfather and grandson.

Granddaughter recreated a portrait of her great-grandmother in 1918.

"Upstairs is 1989, me, my father and my grandfather are playing Nintendo. Downstairs is 2016, my son, me and my father are playing Nintendo."

The guy recreated his grandfather's favorite picture when he was a student at a Japanese university.

Grandmother at the age of 16 in 1944 and granddaughter in 2015.

Grandfather and grandson, 1965 and 2016.

Watch the video: Impact of Tools & Technology on Evolution of the Mind - with Feldman, Fragaszy, Stout (May 2024).

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