The photographer took portraits of women from 30 countries to show the diversity of beauty

Romanian photographer Michaela Noroc is convinced that, despite the differences in races and peoples of the world, they are all beautiful and unique. That is why the woman went on a trip around the world in order to create a wonderful photo project called "Atlas of Beauty". The photographs that she took during her journey show that beauty lies in diversity and uniqueness and it does not depend on the color of the skin, nor on the cut of the eyes, nor on the shade of the hair. Proof of this are these portraits of women from different parts of the globe, radically different from each other and at the same time equally beautiful.

Tibetan Plateau, China

Maramures, Romania

Baltic Sea, Finland

Shiraz, Iran

Omo Valley, Ethiopia

Yangon, Myanmar

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Amazon rainforest

Colca Valley, Peru



Nasir al-Mulk, Iran

Little India, Singapore

Riga, Latvia

New York, USA

Havana, Cuba

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Oxford, UK

Watch the video: Who Run the World. This Beautiful Photos Taken By Romanian Photographer (April 2024).

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