Walk in the Serbian city of Novi Sad

I invite you to take a walk in the Serbian city of Novi Sad. The city of summer cafes.

When planning the route, I decided to go from Budapest to Belgrade. The distance between these two capitals is small. Asks for a stop and a walk. Actually, there are as many as two relatively worthy places on the road. The Hungarian town of Szeged and the Serbian Novi Sad. Szeged we flew in a hurry to the border. How to hang here. I want to "uncork" a new country. None of the four members of the expedition to Serbia have yet been.

But for lunch we stopped in Novi Sad. Actually, I did not expect anything from this place. A quick search on the Internet did not give intelligible pictures and attractive prospects. But the brain said that once heard somewhere this name.

After a clean and tidy Hungary as a whole, entry into Serbia was alarming. To begin with - a highway like "asphalt on concrete." Then - the terribly dirty outskirts of Novi Sad. The next blow was paid parking.

We found the place easily. Just for a start, it turned out that the parking meter accepts only a trifle. And the little things are neither in the exchanger, nor in the stores. After we literally beg for coins for one parking hour (the cost is 25 rubles for our money), it turned out that the parking meters did not work at all. A cursory interrogation of local car owners showed that payment is possible only from a cell phone. Well, or they were not aware of other options. In general, they paid for us.

And then we crossed the road and found ourselves in an extremely strange place. Strange after what we have already seen in Serbia.

Between the clean European-looking houses in front of us ran a classic pedestrian zone. Cozy cafes. Bright pillows. Seats are swing. Tall sofas on twisted legs. Umbrellas. Napkins. Flowers

Everywhere flowers!

It seems to be nothing unusual. But in Serbia, in an unremarkable city for me, I did not expect.

For more than an hour we wandered the streets as if spellbound. Slowly licking each pebble's eyes. Taking pictures of every cafe. Looking into the shops.

We did not try to get around the whole city. Find out the details. Cover everything possible. We are stuck on the colored walls of the old city.

They say that there is a market, and also monasteries in the vicinity, and Fruska Gora ... Probably, another time it would be nice to see all this. But not this one. This one was good and just like that.

Then I read that Novi Sad is the most beautiful city in Serbia. And, perhaps, agreed.

The central square of the city. Freedom Square. From here, cozy and colorful streets of the old city scatter in four directions. At the head of the square is the Church of the Virgin Mary.

Monument to the local writer and politician Svetozar Miletich.

We go deep into the city. Episcopal Palace (Vladičansky Dvor).

All that remains is to walk, loop, or drink cold lemonade. Because where, where, and in Serbia, summer.

And look into the yards. The courtyards here are very authentic.

What an incredible amount of street cafes! And what are all stylish!

I can shoot my favorite color wall forever.

However, here any cafe is a tourist attraction.

For some reason, if the cafe is Greek, then certainly blue.

To break away from the shops is not so simple.

The city reminded me of something Colombian.

Powerful columns, grandiose vases ... Who lives here now, for whom was it built?

If you walk, then walk the whole city. Old people do not sit at home either. They take an active part in the life of the city.

Tall forged stools. What could be cooler? I would be so home ...

Well, the walk is over. Parking is coming to an end. We get together and leave Novi Sad.

I do not regret that we drove here. Let nothing immensely incredible I did not see.

People laughing, smiling and sitting in a cafe on Tuesday afternoon.

Watch the video: What to see in Novi Sad, Serbia (September 2024).

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