18 rare shots of LIFE magazine about what WWII really was

No publication in the world has published as many pictures of the terrifying period of World War II as the legendary LIFE magazine did. Despite the fact that more than 70 years have passed since the end of hostilities, the emotions of watching these rare and very powerful shots are not weakened. On them is death, pain, humility, courage, hope, inhuman willpower and an all-conquering life.

Marines take refuge from the fire on a hilltop on Iwo Jima in March 1945.

Farewell to leaving for military service. USA, New York, 1944.

A funnel from a German bomb in central London, 1940.

The bodies of American Marines on Bana Beach in New Guinea in February 1943.

Statue of Liberty in 1942

Women's Army Corps at Fort Des Moines. Iowa, June 1942.

An American marine holds a child in his arms, summer 1944.

Baseball game in St. Louis in the summer of 1943.

Pilots of the 99th Squadron - the first African American squadron in US Air Force history.

The welder at the shipyard adjusts her glasses before continuing.

The orderly George Lott was wounded in both hands in November 1944.

Marines on the island of Saipan in 1944.

The wreckage of an airplane on the shore of Iwo Jima in March 1945.

American gunners in Saipan in 1944.

Americans next to the corpse of a Japanese soldier in Iwo Jima.

US troops in England on the eve of Operation Overlord in 1944.

Marine before landing on Guadalcanal at the end of 1942.

Americans in the Philippines celebrate Japan's unconditional surrender in August 1945.


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