30 expressive shots from the life of the mysterious Ava tribe

The Ava tribe lives in the forests of one of the Brazilian states, Amazonia. Representatives of this tribe try not to make contact with the outside world and avoid civilization. The thing is that, from generation to generation, terrible stories about the dark times that came for these people when the Portuguese colonists captured their ancestors and turned into slaves are transmitted here. Those events claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people. Therefore, Avas are doing everything to isolate themselves from the rest of the world, hiding in the Amazonian jungle.

Nevertheless, even now they have a difficult time: there are many who want to take possession of the lands and forests in which the tribe lives. To drive this people from the coveted territory, the villains use a variety of vile and dangerous methods, including burning woods. We found a number of vivid documentary photographs telling about the life of mysterious avs in the modern world. Alas, the size of the tribe has been rapidly declining recently, and everything may end with its complete disappearance.

Watch the video: Vision & Justice. Friday. Part II. Radcliffe Institute (May 2024).

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