15 cozy houses from around the world, the owners of which can only be envied

Sometimes one wants to run away from everything in the world, plunge headlong into silence and peace, feel the warm and peaceful breath of nature. There are places on our beautiful and diverse planet where you can truly enjoy its majestic and "noiseless" beauty, and in such places, fortunately, people built houses. We found 15 cozy, remote houses in which anyone would like to spend a week or two, disconnecting the phone and not getting a tablet out of the bag.


Caucasus Mountains, Georgia

Zailiysky Alatau, Kazakhstan


Unknown little hut by the river


Dublin, Ireland

Russia, Veliky Novgorod

Zanzibar, Tanzania, Africa



Julian Alps


Provence, France

Carpathians, Ukraine

Watch the video: People Laughed at the Price of This House, Until They Looked Inside It (May 2024).

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