The unique 300-year-old library in Dublin, which stores more than 200 thousand books

Forget the Guinness Beer Museum, Phoenix Park, and St. Patrick's Cathedral. A truly amazing attraction of Dublin is the majestic Long Hall in the library of Trinity College.

This 65-meter-long room, built between 1712 and 1732, holds more than 200,000 books. How so many books have gathered here, you ask. Yes, just back in 1801, the library received the right to claim a free copy of each book published in the UK and Ireland. Being the largest library in the country, it is also the place of storage of the Book of Kells, written by monks over 1200 years ago. Now it is considered one of the most famous and valuable manuscripts in the history of mankind. The library also houses one of the few surviving copies of the 1916 Proclamation of the Republic of Ireland.

So the next time you are in Dublin, don’t go to the pub, you better go to the library!

Watch the video: Some Please Buy This Amazing Old Library for Just $95,000! (June 2024).

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