A landslide in China is a terrifying result of human error

This winter, a terrible catastrophe happened in the Chinese city of Shenzhen - a landslide descended directly on a residential area of ​​the production park.

As a result of the tragedy, 73 people died and 4 went missing.

Local residents claim that the cause of the landslide was the accumulation of construction debris and dirt, which dumped nearby for two years.

In their opinion, the ground masses fell on the production park not from the mountain, but from a huge pile of accumulated dirt.

The State Council Commission for the investigation of the incident established the cause of what happened: it was a violation of industrial safety rules, and not a geological disaster.

An extensive search and rescue operation involved a huge number of rescuers and 150 pieces of equipment.

In total, 33 buildings were destroyed or damaged by a landslide.

Excavators work next to demolished buildings.

The rickety, ruined houses.

The height of the tragedy is best seen from above.

Excavators dig the earth in search of victims.

One of the houses that stood in the way of the landslide.

Rescuers did not stop working day or night.

When you look at the "prevailing" buildings, it becomes clear how strong the elements that fell upon people were.

Rescuer inspects the destroyed house.

Landslide paved road.

Watch the video: Top 5 Largest Landslides Caught on Video (May 2024).

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