At first we thought it was a temple or a palace, but when we found out the truth, our jaws dropped!

India is famous all over the world for its incredibly rich architectural heritage: the ancient temples and magnificent palaces in this country are truly incomparable. Having seen these pictures, we first thought that they depicted religious buildings, but what was our surprise when it turned out that the photo shows unique ancient underground wells!

These wells were laid out of stone and reached ten floors in depth. They were created and used to have access to groundwater and collect rainwater. After all, the climate of India involves the change of protracted "dry" periods with whole weeks of spring showers.

Hundreds of years ago, such stunning wells were charitable "projects" of the richest people in India.

The Indians have been using such an amazing water conservation system for a millennium.

Uncontrolled use of groundwater has caused most of the wells to dry. Now almost all of them are abandoned.

Some wells are trying to maintain in good condition for tourist excursions, but still most of them have turned into ordinary garbage dumps.

Watch the video: Ancient Top 10: Full Episode - Greatest Ancient Monuments Season 1, Episode 8. History (September 2024).

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