It took the photographer 6 years and 720,000 frames to take this picture!

Scottish photographer Alan McFadien has been filming amazing wildlife since 2009. All these 6 years, he dreamed of making one single perfect shot. According to his estimates, it took him 4,200 hours and 720,000 frames to take a photograph of a kingfisher diving into the water without a single splash.

“I wanted to take a picture of perfect immersion, perfectly smooth, without bursts, which required not only my correct location, but also the necessary movements of the bird itself,” said the photographer. “I often took 600 photographs in one session, but not one of them "Now, looking back at the thousands and thousands of frames that I took to get this one photo, I understand how much work I have done."

The Scot adopted the love for nature and wild animals from his grandfather. “I remember how my grandfather led me to show the kingfisher’s nest, and I remember how delighted I was with the splendor of this bird. So when I started taking pictures, I returned to the same place to photograph kingfishers.”

It took him 4,200 hours and 720,000 frames to take this photograph.

"I wanted to take a picture of perfect immersion, perfectly smooth, without bursts, which required not only my correct location, but also the necessary movements of the bird itself."

"I often took 600 photographs in one session, but none of them came up."

"I never thought about how much time it took, because I liked to do it, but now, looking back, I am very proud of this picture and the work that I put into it."

"I remember how my grandfather led me to show the kingfisher’s nest, and I remember how delighted I was with the splendor of this bird."

"I'm sure my grandfather would like this image, I would like him to be able to see it. My family said he would be proud."

Watch the video: After 6 Years And 720,000 Attempts, Photographer Finally Takes Perfect Shot Of Kingfisher (May 2024).

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