Big Apple Lights: A New York City Photo We Are Not Used To Seeing

In the photographs we used to see New York in all its sleepless luxury - flooded with millions of lights, with the most motley audience on the streets, lined with luxury boutiques and dizzying skyscrapers. Who would have thought that the Big Apple could look completely different!

Ray Mercado lives in New York and takes this city in unexpected images. In his photographs, New York is immersed in twilight, the rays of the setting sun or winter haze. Puddles, fog and muted color create an atmosphere of loneliness and detachment, which is very uncharacteristic for a metropolis. But in fact, people who have experience with New York often say that nowhere in the world there are so many lonely souls and broken hearts, as in this city crowded with adventurers.

Watch the video: Things NOT To Do in New York (May 2024).

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