Finland has built a plant where they get food protein from air, water and bacteria

Before the public could discuss the technology for the production of artificial meat, a press report appeared that Finland was going to feed everyone with water, air and unusual bacteria that synthesize nutritious protein. This method of producing protein has already passed laboratory tests, and the Finnish company Solar Foods even built a plant in the suburbs of Helsinki worth 1 million euros, where they plan to produce protein products.

These unpretentious bacteria are 60% composed of protein and amino acids, which are similar in composition to the substances found in edible algae and soy. After processing, the bacteria turn into a white powder mixture, which can be added to any foodstuff, thereby enriching them with protein.

Solar Foods plans to launch large-scale production of this protein. Despite the fact that initially this technology was chosen as a promising way to obtain food for space missions traveling to Mars, experts believe that this technology will be in demand in terrestrial conditions. Protein obtained using bacteria can enrich various products, increasing their nutritional value and improving the quality of life of people in poor countries.

But successful experiments and the construction of a plant are only the first steps on the road to commercial production. Solar Foods is currently awaiting authorization from EU food experts, and plans to launch mass production in 2021.

Watch the video: The Human Microbiome: Emerging Themes at the Horizon of the 21st Century Day 2 (May 2024).

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