Who are these elegant gentlemen: what photographers looked like at the dawn of the 20th century

Photographer. A difficult profession, the difficulties and the necessity of which we usually do not even think about. But it’s worthwhile to understand that if there weren’t any people in the world who could be in the right place at the right time and capture the moment on camera, so that with one or more pictures convey the essence of what is happening, the dramatic and emotional moment, the character and atmosphere, we would live in a very empty and boring world.

Photography has gone through a rather stormy and interesting path and is continuing to develop just as rapidly now. Let's see how people looked who fixed for us, the inhabitants of the 21st century, their modernity at the dawn of the art of photography. Elegant suits, hats, ties and huge first cameras - the profession of a photographer was then considered a prestigious occupation not for everyone.

Wandering Photographer, Ohio. 1938.

President Coolidge in a cowboy outfit, surrounded by photographers. 1927.

The work of the operator, Washington. 1937.

Baseball player Hermann Schaefer “stole” a camera from journalists. A game between the Washington Senators and the New York Highlands. 1911.

Gentlemen with their cameras. 1900s

Davy O'Brien, a rugby player, shows how to use the camera as a ball. 1939.

A photographer with an incredibly huge camera. 1914.

Gentlemen posing with their cameras. The early 1900s.

Photographers with their heavy artillery at the inauguration of President Taft. March 4, 1909.

Against the background of the White House. The early 1900s.

The process of shooting from the roof.

Group portrait of 17 members of the White House Photographers Association. 1920s

A group of photographers from the early 1900s.

Work in a sports stadium.

An unknown photographer is experimenting.

Group portrait of four members of the White House Photographers Association. 1920s

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