A woman quit her office job and became a successful wildlife photographer.

Dutchwoman Henny van Herden is a wildlife photographer who has turned her passion into a successful career. She travels around the world to create stunning animal photos. Joining the Flickr community in 2006 and chatting with photographers specializing in fauna photography, Van Herden left her successful career as an assistant executive director in 2010 and focused on polishing her photographer talent.

Her love for animals began in deep childhood. “I grew up in a place that you could call a mini zoo. We had dogs, cats, cows, pigs, chickens, parrots, hundreds of little ducks, pheasants, rabbits, fish, geese, canaries, - says van Herden. - We lived in a farmhouse, and although my parents were not farmers, their parents were. I don’t remember that we - my sister and I - were in the house. We always did something on the street - we swam in the river nearby, played hide and seek in the forest, played with animals. "

This love of nature and animals remained with the Dutch for life and led to frequent trips to Africa, where she rented large and small animals in nature reserves. Van Herden has a difficult job, requiring patience, accuracy and technical skills, but this is what attracts a woman. “I like the challenge wildlife poses. Animals move, blink, fly, and often do unexpected things, which makes it harder to take the right shot. And I like this test.”

Watch the video: Suzi Eszterhas: "The Life of a Wildlife Photographer". Talks at Google (May 2024).

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